A lot has been and continues to be said about the radical changes in how small businesses in Canada (and throughout the world for that matter) must carry on business to continue or be successful. These changes have and are occuring as a result of the internet and everything digital.
InHouseCFO's Small Business Blog
Tags: CFO for small business, SMB Systems, Sales, KPI
SMB owners are always looking for low hanging fruit ways to beat the competition and increase their income. There’s one area that, as we provide our services as part time CFO for small businesses in Canada, we see is consistently overlooked.
Tags: Business Processes, Sales
A Guide to Business Processes for SMB's - Marketing & Sales
Marketing and Sales
All businesses, of any size and nature need to start their business plan execution with marketing activities, which, in turn generate leads that turn into opportunities, and hopefully sales. From this, administation, finance, HR, and other stakeholder relations follow.It's a well known fact that identifying the processes that the business should follow in all of these areas in a disciplined way, and memorializing them in an easy to follow manner increases results faster. Our experience, however, has been that small and mid-sized business (SMB) owners, while they have interest, they don't have the time and frankly the training and experience to do this.
Tags: Marketing, Business Processes, Sales