Overview of InHouseCFO's Solutions
To achieve results, every plan requires solutions. To get the results expected, every plan requires the RIGHT solutions. Unfortunately there is a plethora of offerings that pose, through slick marketing, to be the perfect solutions to our financial needs. Some may even be, but you’re not qualified to make that choice. In addition, often built in to these are incentives to the providers which taint their objectivity.
This is a place where we add great value. At InHouseCFO, using our deep past experience, and continuous monitoring of the financial and professional marketplace, we have and continue to cut through the jungle of potential solutions.
In the cases where the right solutions exist, we have:
- Identified them;
- “Reverse engineered” and “test driven” them; and
- Negotiated wholesale arrangements for access to them on behalf of our clients;
In the cases where they don’t exist we:
- Have built some and will be building more with our clients in mind by:
- Using our own knowledge, experience, and technical capabilities; and
- Working with the top providers in their field, to create solutions that will meet many of our needs much better at costs you will not be able to obtain yourself ; or
- Are the right people to quarterback as a special project a custom built solution having the perfect attributes for you.
Start the journey, beginning with Small Business Software Solutions: